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Nilometer on Rhoda Island

By : Hossam Abdallah | 05 August 2020

Magic Life Tours aims to offer the ultimate Egyptian adventure and intimate knowledge about the country. We offer this unique experience by organizing a tour and coming to Egypt for a visit. The Nilometer is the oldest structure in Egypt built after the Arab conquest that survives in its original form.

1. Importance

The Roda Island Nilometer was built to measure water levels in the River Nile, which were necessary for a good agricultural season, There were three main types of nilometers, calibrated in Egyptian cubits: a vertical column, a corridor stairway of steps leading down to the Nile, or a deep well with culvert. If the water level was low, there would be less food. If it was too high, it would be destructive.

2. Location

The Nilometer in Modern Cairo on the southern tip of Rawda (Roda) Island facing al-Fustat to the east is a rather unique historical site often overlooked by visitors to Cairo.

3. History

It was devised by Abu'l 'Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Kathir al-Farqhani, a native of Farghana, West Turkestan who was known in the West as the astronomer Alfraganus. Ibn Tulun had the Nilometer restored between 872 and 873 AD, and it was again restored in 1092 by the Fatimid Caliph, al- Mustansir. The walls of the Nilometer have carved inscriptions in plain kufic, the earliest surviving example of architectural epigraphy in Egypt , thy are quranic texts referring to water, vegetation and prosperity . The Nilometer is no longer functional today but it is worth a visit , enjoy trip to Nilometer with Magic Life Tours.



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